Navigating Legal Frontiers for Infrastructure Development



Infrastructure lays the foundation for a country’s growth and development. Over the years, Canada has experienced a large expansion and progress in its infrastructure industry, covering various ongoing ventures such as transportation, energy, telecommunications, and urban development. Due to the increase in allocation of resources towards infrastructure the help of legal assistance becomes extremely important.

Pacific Legal is in a prime position to provide valuable guidance to all stakeholders including private sector developersandfinanciers, and various federal, provincial and municipal governmental bodies regarding the consequences of the evolving procurement methods, and is accomplished in developing alternative delivery models.

  • Public Infrastructure&P3 Contracts

Infrastructure and public-private partnership (P3) initiatives encompass a wide range of sizes, development categories, and stakeholder combinations. Currently, projects and their funding are characterized by a higher frequency of transactions that cross international borders, involve multiple levels of government, and require collaboration with diverse stakeholders. In response to this rapidly changing environment, adaptive delivery models are curated to meet the needs of procuring authorities who desire greater flexibility and increased cooperation with the private sector. As a result, we focus on adopting alternative delivery models such as progressive P3s, alliance models, alternative finance and procurement (AFP), and other approaches that better align with the evolving demands of projects. Further, our M&A team guides you through the entire transaction processand meticulously chooses strategic investments aligning with, andfulfilling your corporate goals and objectives.

  • Infrastructure Injunctions

Political and economic landscapes greatly affect the infrastructure industry as it becomes prone to a surge in rolling protests, demonstrations, and blockades targeting both public and private assets. To help resolve such situations and protect the timeline of your project, Pacific Legal stands as your loyal legal partner. Our legal team excels in the rapidly securing interim and interlocutory injunctions. We possess a proven track record in ensuring the enforcement of injunctions through subsequent legal proceedings, including the pursuit of contempt orders.

Pacific Legal has played a crucial role in achieving notable success in various infrastructure projects spanning across the globe. These projects encompass a wide range of sectors, such as transportation, energy, telecommunications, health, ports, government services, recreation and urban development.

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